Saturday, April 9, 2011

"You lookin' at me?"

Last night we went to eat with my wife's extended family in Roanoke at an Italian restaurant named Luigi's. I grew up in the Northeast and have an Italian mother so my standards for Italian food are pretty high. I have to say I was pretty impressed, I would even take my mother there. Anyways, I was sitting there minding my own business and enjoying my dinner when I happened to look to the right. Seated next to us was a couple who were probably in their mid 50's. That's normal enough but what wasn't normal was the guy was staring me down. Like straight up not blinking, zoned out, staring. It was a little creepy but I decided to ignore it and go back to my dinner/conversation. A few more minutes went by and I glanced over again and he was still staring. Now, I consider myself a lover not a fighter (plus this guy was much bigger than me and frankly probably would have eaten me) so I decided to be the "bigger" man and let it go....again. About 5mins later I looked over again and this guy was STILL staring. At this point I was a little pissed and was wondering what this creeper was all about. It was also at this moment that I realized that at the top of the wall to our left there was a window that showed the bar.....and TV's.....and the Master's. This guy wasn't staring at me, he was just an old guy trying to watch golf. Lucky for him too because I was about to throw it down like Bobby Brown. I pointed out this great realization to my wife who in turn informed me that I "was a dah" for not realizing it any sooner. Normally this would have been the end of it but, as the guy got up to leave I decided to tell him "You were totally creeping me out until I realized you were watching TV. I was like who is this guy staring at me". We both thought it was pretty funny, shared a laugh and he went on his way. However, I don't think my wife shared our amusement, you should have seen her face....PRICELESS.

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