Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Dear Delta...SUCK IT

Dear Delta,
It is nice to know that your suspect customer service has finally caught up to you. You did the same thing to me and five other soldiers last August. The only difference is you got $400 out of each of us. We had just gotten off our FREEDOM FLIGHT from our 11 month deployment and were excited to be on U.S. soil again. In under thirty minutes you successfully managed to change that excitement to frustration with $200/extra bag baggage fees. Never mind that we explained to your "customer service" representative that our extra bags were our boxed M-16's and a bunch of military shit that we were required to turn back in and didn't even really want anyways. Never mind that we had only seen our families for two weeks in the past year. Never mind that we had just traveled for about 4 days (most of which without showers) to be greeted by your fugly face. Never mind that it took great restraint not to comment on your shitty weave or reach across the counter and punch you straight in the neck. What mattered was your policy and now your policy has caught up with you in he public eye. I will say that my situation was cleared up by my wife's refined letter writing skills and we did eventually receive a full refund plus ticket vouchers. However, I will never forget the way that we were greeted that day. The only reason I will fly Delta in the future is to use up the free vouchers Christin weaseled out of them. Suck it Delta! (next stop your wallet)

1 comment:

  1. LMBO!!!!! Christin has the letter writing skills and you have the creative writing skills! You never fail to make me laugh! Oh by the way, thanks for a good 1/2 day today.
