Friday, April 15, 2011

Fragile Handle with Care

I work with a great group of people. One of my favorite things about them is the fact that we give each other shit....constantly. It seems like only the strong personalities survive but we are also one big family. One of these strong personalities is my friend Jessica. Jessica is a combination of big sister, mom, with a touch of wife added in. On a normal day she has no problem bossing me around and gives me just about as much shit as I give her (if not more). However today's circumstances are a little different than normal. You see Jessica happens to be pregnant which equals a rise in a little thing we like to call hormones. Being the genius that I am I totally disregarded this fact when picking on her. I will blame this on being a guy, my wife will blame it on me being a dumbass husband. The real reason isn't important, what is important is that I solved two very simple equations today
picking on a pregnant woman + hormones = crying


pregnant woman telling you that you made her cry + hormones = more crying

I also learned that when a pregnant woman tells you that she cried you should not say "Are you serious? I should feel bad about this, but if you think about it, it's kind of funny." This might make you an asshole. Let me say that I had no intent of being an asshole. I apologized and we hugged it out (which made her cry again) and she isn't even mad at me....I think. I also learned a valuable lesson about being careful what to say and what NOT to say to a pregnant woman. I would like to take this opportunity to thank Jessica for teaching me this. If I had learned it with Christin while she was pregnant I am pretty sure I would have either: A) not survived or B) received a swift kick to the balls. So thank you Jessica, and hopefully this is the last time I make you least this trimester.


  1. haha, you would have survived but im sure you would have def gotten the swift kick in the balls

  2. Mike, you're such a great addition to our family. To Christin you are a DAH but to us you are a SAM (Smart Ass Man). I say that with affection not malice. Your humor knows no bounds. There are many times that you remind me of my son. I enjoy working with with you. Keep up the good work on the blog.
