Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Thank you sir may I have another...

Today both of our cars were on E so being the nice husband that I am I not only filled up my car but also my wife's as well. Well $130 later both tanks are full. $130...are you friggin' kidding me I almost crapped my pants. I know I'm not the only one that is fed up with the gas prices. The worst part about it is that I know that the gas prices here are on the cheap side. I have relatives and friends in the Northeast and I know that they are getting crushed by gas prices on a daily basis. I can't even being to imagine how much gas is in California. Now I know there is the fact that the Middle East is pretty much imploding right now but that doesn't change the fact that paying almost $4/gallon sucks. I just got back from the Middle East...you want to know how much gas is a gallon in Iraq? Like 50 friggin' cents. I'm not kidding it was that cheap. I should have thought to pump some and bring it back. I could have made a killer profit. I'm not a big conspiracy theorist but I am sure this is some plot by Al Gore and the car companies to get us all to drive hybrids, electric cars, and smart cars. My dad just bought a Honda Fit...I'm pretty sure that I can fit it into the back of my Explorer.

(Dad's Honda/Micro Machine...he loves this thing)

Thanks but no thanks...I'm a self proclaimed redneck now (I wear camo, listen to country, and own a gun). I guess until I breakdown and convert my car to run on vegetable oil, every time that I go to the pump I'll just be saying "Thank you sir may I have another". (Shimon if you are reading this you know this is a saying that we learned well from the Army...miss you bud!)

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